Assalamualaikum and hello.
The eleventh class was particularly revolved around presentation. In other words, based on the notes given on previous class, we were asked to present the notes so that everyone can share the knowledge. Initially, the class continued the last presentation from Raziman’s group which is particularly on topic six. Besides that, we were also introduced to a new task which is on research paper. It is to be included in the portfolio. In addition, the lecturer also planned to introduce software for kids which are deemed necessary for this course. Unfortunately, due to the time constraint, the software was not able to be shown.
The presentations helped in adding new knowledge to my schemata as well as reconstruction of the previous prior knowledge. This involved improved understanding of the what, why, when, how and where to utilize and find the sources of appropriate material regardless of the authenticity, originality and adaptability of the material. All of this sources and knowledge can be obtained through internet.

It will not be long until we celebrate ‘Hari Raya’. The fasting month becomes the witness of our patience, hard work and effort in fulfilling our role as God’s servant in this ‘transient’ world as well as student in this challenging heart and mind university life. Hopefully, we can be better and improve ourselves so that we will be able to ‘fly through the heavy storm’ and arrived at our destination with the ease of mind and happy feeling. Without the brave spirit and steadfast commitment, we will never be able to endure the ‘storm’.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to Puan Foziah and my beloved fellow friends. Sorry for any mistake, physically and mentally. : ) Thank You.