Thursday, October 23, 2008

Reflection; The Finale.

Assalamualaikum and hello.

Successful learning stems from perseverance, hard work and determination in enduring various lives experience either bad or happy ones. This experience is part and parcel of life and one can never move forward and improved his/her self if they did not acknowledged the contributions of past experience in making them individuals who are unique in nature and characters. I have learned a lot from this course either in terms of improved knowledge and skills or characteristic deemed essential for life.

Blogging was considered a new thing to me. At first, it posed one of the tough challenges in adapting to the new environment as a university student. But as time passes, it changed into experience that enhanced self reflection and understanding of topic or lesson learned from the class. Furthermore, it helps to sustain pivotal points and activity that have been done in the form of diary besides encouraging critical and creative thinking skills as well as problem solving skills. Complementing on the good side of blogging was that I can use the words for writing reflection freely. English words and vocabulary are considered as unique for me. Therefore blogging provide means or as a platform for me to test various English words and vocabulary. In addition, I also realized the potential of blogging in the future classroom implementation, providing necessary elements of technology are integrated in the school.

In terms of what I do not like about blogging was its biggest obstruction namely internet connection. In other words, if we do not have internet connectivity like for example if the internet cable was stolen, the weekly reflection instructed by the lecturer can not be uploaded into the websites. However, this problem can be solved through the internet connection at the cyber cafes. Some of us prefer to write on the blog rather than drafting on the Microsoft word application. Therefore it was a matter of preferences and efficient planning of time to uploaded the weekly reflection. Apart from that, it was excruciating when the ideas for writing in the blog did not appear which in turn leaving the hard- earned money and time wasted at the cyber cafes.

In terms of the advantages of blog experienced by me, it helps me to pinpoint necessary strength and weaknesses of the class. This in turn provides better understanding that can be improved for the future. Besides that, the concept of sharing information and understanding of the topic learned are also replicated through blog. People can read and give comments about what they feel about our reflection besides helping us to rectify any problems expressed in the reflection. Apart from that, my communication skills have been improved through this technology as I am able to communicate with other people who read my blog even though it was not instantaneous. Moreover, I learned to be creative and critical in managing the blog since it acts as a personal website which in turn provides exposure to the way of marketing and business.

For me, the advantaged of learning in this course was nevertheless important and crucial for my development as a future teacher. This course has taught me a lot particularly in utilizing various technologies for English lesson resources and materials which I have never thought before. Besides that, it enabled me to improve on my computer software capabilities deemed necessary to complement the understanding of computer hardware. All this understanding and improved mastery of technology application helps in translating into better sources of authentic, enjoyable, interesting and encouraging materials for ESL classroom.

In terms of discouraging point of this course, there were overemphasized of technology-based instructional material designs. In other word, there were not sufficient balanced between the non technology based material construction with technology based one. This actually translates into over dependent of the technology in the teaching and learning process in the classroom which might posed difficult situation for teachers posted to the areas such as remote places in Sabah and Sarawak.

This course has provided me with ample information, skills and knowledge deemed essential for becoming successful teacher in the future. I have learned about various computer skills I have never thought before such as you tube videos downloading, video editing, audio editing and photo editing which all represents new segments of schemata in my knowledge. In addition, the role of the internet as a basic surfing tools for sources of information and knowledge have been changed into versatile technology-based tools enabling the realization of what have been perceived in the old days as impossible.

In terms of unexpected learning experiences, the e-book presented reconstruction of previous schemata. In other word, the e-book that I have known before was based on the PDF format. However, the unexpected seemed to be better as it is active in the sense that it can be added with sounds, videos and animation compared to the passive PDF format that shares the same characteristic with typical paper-based book, differentiated only by different platform which is technology.

At first, I expected to learn the non technology based materials such as flash card as well as technology based one, but the balance falls more on the technology-based side. I believe it shares the same essential role in providing pupils with successful learning experience in the classroom. In addition, in order to complement the gap, I believe that I have to take more effective effort and diligently finds out about the non technology-based instructional material from various sources and not relying solely on the lecturer.

If I were given the chances to change anything in the course, I would like to improve on the pro forma particularly on the non technology based material designs. The instructional material must be well balanced with the technology based one. Besides, tutors should also be provided to help the lecturer and students as this course requires lots of task that needs to be done.

All in all, these technologies have presented new experience that will help me in embracing the future of education. In facing the diverse attitudes and unique characteristic of the students, necessary, appropriate and balanced used of instructional material have to be used so that it will bring the best result which in turn affect their successful learning experience.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fourteenth Class Reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

Development and creation of effective teaching and learning process covers the assessment of students’ ability to recall back specific information, providing solution and answering question through utilization of problem solving skills as well as critical and creative thinking skills. In addition, real world based problems and application are also presented so that it will provide necessary exposure deemed essential for future practice.

In particular, the fourteenth week class replicated this assessment process. The lecturer provided us with four questions which I consider to be tough for me as it tested on the practical aspect of the concepts and understanding of the knowledge concerned. In addition, the week where we have this exam was considered to be hectic and full of assignment submission date. Therefore it was physically (straining eyes and body to complete the assignments as well as reading notes) and mentally (trying to find the best solutions for the assignment as well as understanding and memorizing the facts) challenging for me as a university students. But, this trial and tribulations will provide helpful and encouraging experience if we perceived it as a constructive and positive side of our life.

Reflecting on the first question given, it asked us to select one of the characteristic of skills brought by children to schools which will help them to learn another language. This characteristic is deemed essential as it provide us, teachers as well as teacher to be with ample information that will help them acquire the language effectively. In addition, this characteristic represents different characteristic possessed by the children and teacher should take note of this information as they can utilized it for the effective means. Besides that, children should be perceived as an individual with unique differences that sets them apart rather than based on generalization. Without such knowledge of the children, teacher can never effectively and efficiently planned, implement and evaluate their lesson. This real world based question helps to prepare teacher to be like us with such problem and hopefully we will be able to rectify it and eventually produced successful language learning experience for the children.

The second questions points to the difference between modern instructional material and traditional material. In other words, computer based technology which represents the modern one are compared and contrast with the material such as paper based books and skills sheet which represents the traditional instructional material. Initially, in the same question, we were also asked to classify and make a list of the particular materials. I believe this is important as it helps us, teacher to be, to pinpoint the usual problem faced by today’s school teacher particularly in the finding the right, practical and useful instructional materials. Besides, without this knowledge, teachers will loose one essential element that will disintegrate the classroom. Therefore such understanding and mastery will help us to identify and use the instructional material effectively and efficiently.

The next two questions represent another level which I considered tougher than the first two questions. However, basing on the schemata and previous understanding, the questions were answered. For the third question, based on the various Malaysian stories which range from funny story to folktale story, we were required to select one and design a storyboard for an animation video. The safe and unthreatening classroom atmosphere as emphasized by Stephen Krashen through his affective filter theory will be able to become reality through this story based animation. Besides, other activities deemed creative as well as enjoyable can be generated, providing the teacher knows how to utilize and implement it.

The last questions asked us to identify and evaluate the mental and emotional engagement that is happening in the given situations. The critical and creative thinking skills as well as problem solving skills are applied in order to answer this question. In addition, the training replicated through this question help in providing exposure deemed necessary to cope with the diverse situations in the classroom.

In a nut shell, it is necessary to understand the use and implementation of specific instructional materials and resources so that effective and efficient means for creating successful learning experience will be achieved. In addition, further thinking and understanding are required in order to be up-to-date and practical. Thank You.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

13th week class reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

Since the advent of the new era of globalization, knowledge and skills that are not possible before in the old days is now possible. Thanks to the knowledge explosion through internet and innovation of computers, our education sphere have revolutionized and this created a new generation of pupils who have technology awareness as well as demanding need for the use of technological material and resources in the their learning process. This in turn propelled teacher, school administrators, ministry of education and policy makers to adopt new approach which in parallel with the changes in the global educational scenario.

Replicating this effort of revolutionizing the education scenario in our country was the use of software that contains interesting games and activity. In particular, children educational software provides effective means for the pupils to enjoy the experience of learning suitable with their age level, interest as well as learning preferences. The thirteenth class explores on this technology benefit by introducing the characteristic of effective educational software such as the need for the software used in the classroom to be in congruent with the curriculum and the lesson taught. Software that contains simple and easy games promotes improvements of learning from the ordinary traditional method of chalk and talk. In addition, it also promotes critical and creative thinking as well as problem solving skills that are deemed impossible with the use of old method. One of research finding suggested that, pupils are able to improve their learning of specific knowledge and skills, better concentration and effective utilization of critical and creative thinking skills much better in the longer term than the pupils who did not experience the technology use in their classroom.

Even though it has been a while since the introduction of this technology in school, it is apparent that some school was not able to fully utilize it in order to improve their teaching and learning process in the classroom. This may have been due to some inevitable factors such as teachers’ incompetence in the computer utilization, lack of facility, constrains of time and copyright matters. All this hinder the progression of our education move towards world class education standard.

In a nut shell, technology utilization in particular through children software will keep on changing and evolving. It is up to all the parties concerned to take on the wise decision and effective effort in order to produce best result for the benefit of our education field.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

12th week class reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

Optimistic in enduring the trial and challenges of life particularly as a university student is an essential paradigm of shift towards creating successful and holistic individual in terms of intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical. In other words as University Malaya students and a future teacher to be, I must take on the example of the successful individual such as the Prophet Muhammad which optimistically endures the challenges and trial in conveying the message of truth to His ‘ummah’. This praised characteristic should also be adopted by everyone including pupils in school. I believe that without such characteristic, we will never be able to step forward which in turn plummeting ourselves into degree of self inferiority, stagnation and many more of the negative effects.

The twelfth class revolved around completing the given assignment. Some of us were just coming back from the hometown and some others did not make for the class. However, that did not stop us from exchanging ideas and information that were deemed important among others even though we were not in the same group. I managed to improve some of the information regarding the assignments which in turn helps to propelled me towards completing the assignments. In relation to the optimistic characteristic which I emphasized on earlier, the trial and challenges in completing the given assignments must be looked from the positive side that is improving my understanding, knowledge, skills as well as endurance in life as a student and teacher to be.

All in all, the praised characteristic must be replicated by everyone including me so that we will be able to withstand the challenges facing us for today and the future. Life is nothing without trial and challenges. Thank You.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

11th class reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

The eleventh class was particularly revolved around presentation. In other words, based on the notes given on previous class, we were asked to present the notes so that everyone can share the knowledge. Initially, the class continued the last presentation from Raziman’s group which is particularly on topic six. Besides that, we were also introduced to a new task which is on research paper. It is to be included in the portfolio. In addition, the lecturer also planned to introduce software for kids which are deemed necessary for this course. Unfortunately, due to the time constraint, the software was not able to be shown.

The presentations helped in adding new knowledge to my schemata as well as reconstruction of the previous prior knowledge. This involved improved understanding of the what, why, when, how and where to utilize and find the sources of appropriate material regardless of the authenticity, originality and adaptability of the material. All of this sources and knowledge can be obtained through internet.

It will not be long until we celebrate ‘Hari Raya’. The fasting month becomes the witness of our patience, hard work and effort in fulfilling our role as God’s servant in this ‘transient’ world as well as student in this challenging heart and mind university life. Hopefully, we can be better and improve ourselves so that we will be able to ‘fly through the heavy storm’ and arrived at our destination with the ease of mind and happy feeling. Without the brave spirit and steadfast commitment, we will never be able to endure the ‘storm’.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to Puan Foziah and my beloved fellow friends. Sorry for any mistake, physically and mentally. : ) Thank You.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tenth Class reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

The tenth class explored the use of Microsoft Publisher application in producing product such as the book cover, template or brochure, news letter and many more. Before that, we have to submit our assignment 2 to Izyan. All the necessary hard copy and soft copy was collected and put in an envelope which represented specific pairs. Thank you to Izyan for helping us with the process of submitting the assignment.

The exploration of some of the Window’s application is crucial for me in the sense that there are still lots of basic applications that can be put into good use of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Before this, I thought that the Publishers application was insignificant compared to Word and Power Point. But as we go along and gain new knowledge and skills, all the applications created are definitely have their own specific use and advantages that differentiate it from the others. Since my Microsoft office does not have the Publisher application, I have to install it and this actually gives me opportunity to learn new knowledge of adding the feature or part of the whole system to the Office application.

In the context of the teaching and learning process, the publishers can be optimized its utilization, by proving the teacher and pupils resources, material as well as ways to produce something that can benefit all the parties concerned. In particular for the teacher’s part, they can use the brochure for instance, to grab the pupils’ attention in the specific part of the lesson by making it attractive, colourful and importantly meaningful for the pupil. For the pupils part, they can learn to produce the specific product like for example, news letter that can be used as a writing activity, published and pasted either in the classroom or at a particular advertisement board. There are still a lot more of the application that can be explored and utilized in order to produce a successful and meaningful learning experience for the pupils as well as teachers.

All in all, every application has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. It is up to us, the ‘homo sapiens’ created by the God, to think and use His knowledge for the positive side. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ninth class reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

Patience and strong optimistic spirit in enduring the fasting month trial and challenges becomes a good experience in this life endeavor. It helps to mould a person to become a person with good characteristic in terms of spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional. In other words, fasting month is a place to train my hearts and mind besides practicing myself to become subservient to the right path which can help me to become a successful individual. In the context of learning, it is crucial for every individual to train their hearts and mind so that they can cope with today’s globalization and knowledge explosion. One of my favourite concept of motivation in enduring life challenges is being optimistic or in the Islamic approach known as husnud dhan which means thinking good.

In the first part of the ninth class, lecturer talked about the evaluation or in other word the assignments. It helped to pinpoint some of the problem and misunderstanding regarding the assignments. Hopefully there will not be any more confusing matters in myself regarding the task and assignments. I believed I have to take more effective and push myself to complete the task. I must use the optimistic approach in order to effectively complete all the task and assignments.

Learning involves adding and constructing new schemata or knowledge apart from reconstructed previous knowledge. I learned new things in the ninth class which include theoretical aspects of the teaching and learning process particularly on the suitability and appropriateness of applying specific teaching and learning materials, methods, style and approach which in turn affect the future learning experience of the primary pupils. Besides that, lecturer also introduced about new website named Its is an alternative video making website which utilize three simple words namely ‘upload’, ‘choose a style’ and ‘wow everyone’. It was new and interesting for me. The interface looked beautiful and what most attractive is that, its easy and free (the main criteria). Instead of mind boggling thinking about what to choose and how to apply the effects and all sort of animation, this website lets its user to just choose the style as in its simple terms applied, and latter leave the rest for them to do the work. The product was good in the sense that, it looked professional even though the people who upload the pictures for the video making was just a computer newbie or beginner with a very little scanty knowledge of computer (more than just knowing about basic computer skills) like me. Furthermore, it can be used for the teaching and learning material in the classroom. Besides that, we can also teach other teachers in the future schools about the use of such application for their personal gain of knowledge or improving their teaching and learning process.

All in all, it was beneficial and learning new things definitely challenges the minds and heart. Motivation supported with good characteristics helps to cope with the trial and demanding situations. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

reflection (8th week)

Assalamualaikum and hello.

For every problem, there is a solution. Regardless of whether the problem is only a small petty thing or big as we can imagine, the solutions are there, just waiting to be grasped by us. There was quite a troublesome problem due to the lack of the computer knowledge. In other word, while trying to enjoy the free space after completing the given task which was E-book, suddenly, a friend messages interrupted the serenity of our free time. Her video cannot play the e-book sound after she downloaded it from the 4shared website. I was flabbergasted with the message since she had already produced the E-book with the appropriate way (I thought at first). Realizing that the same thing might happen to my E-book, I follow the process and to my horror, it was real. In addition, the e-book sound can only be played at the producer’s computer which contained the saved data of the sound. It was prevalent that my lacks of computer knowledge for even the basic Power Point application was not fully utilized to the extent that it leads to this problem. But as the day fly, the experience of having this kind of problem was essential so that I can be more prepared in terms of knowledge, motivation and so on. By the way, there are many solutions that can be used in producing E-book complete with its sound being ‘auto play’ by the computer.

On 8th class, the class seemed short without the presence of the lecturer. But, the work was still the top priority and therefore we were given another task which required us to form a group of four people and develop and explain the materials that we intended to use in the classroom for the four skills which is listening, speaking, reading and writing. I realized that, it was the time for us to apply the knowledge and experience while experimenting with the previous task. Apart from that, we were also given a presentation task specifically using the notes given by the lecturer. Here, we assigned works to speed up the process. One of my friend from the other group helped to explain the notes and it helped me in the sense that, we were able to discuss and exchanging essential ideas and information rather than being a passive listener. Thank you to Hedayah and others for helping me in order to understand the notes. This relationship helped to build good bonds and communication which is essential in today’s life.

All in all, we as a human are not perfect and there is no perfect thing in this world. Sometimes, the problems that we faced today will help us to cope with the future. All the experience and difficulties are part and parcel of life. Therefore, accept it with the confident and strong spirit that Allah is always on our side. Alhamdullillah.

Thank you.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

seventh week reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

Success or failures of the ELT materials or resource in the classroom are dependent on particular aspects. These aspects or what we called characteristics of successful utilization of teaching and learning material are the foundation of every successful learning experience. In other words, it is inevitable and crucial for every teachers or teacher to be like me to know the aspects. In the seventh class, we were introduced first to the e-book, a name that was not new but still its use in the education sphere was not prevalent to me.

Before this, I only knew that e-book that I usually found in the internet was in the form of PDF or in more particular, a magazine changed into the PDF format. Therefore, when the e-book presentation was showed to us, it opened up my mind and created new sets of schemata. Besides that, we were given the characteristics that are required in making the e-book successful and effective. This includes features of the e-book such as colour and clear organization or structure, background of the e-book that was also deemed important for successful learning experience, songs that must be wisely utilized in the e-book beside fonts that should be appropriate for the pupils such as using comic San ms font as it is more similar to the hand writing. In addition, effects in the e-book was also deemed essential as it can provide necessary attractiveness and condition that can make the lesson which utilize the e-book enjoying and successful.

Apart from that, we were also introduced to assignment 2 and assignment 3. The assignment 2 concerned with the manipulation of video that require us to download Michael Jackson’s Earth song and use it for teaching and learning process in the classroom. This includes how to use its and its rationale. While on the assignment 3 part, we were require to be in groups and produce an e-book. Actually there were lots of confusion regarding the two assignments but with the help of my friends the burden could be well alleviated to certain extent. More discussion needed and it is crucial for us to help each other. The assignments was definitely a new challenge for me as it requires certain degree of high consideration and thorough look and insights of the assignments in order to produce a meaningful and effective resources that is well exploited and utilized.

All in all, I learned new things and realized that success does not come easily. Only hard work, patience and ability to exploit important variables such as time will lead to success. Before I ended this blog session, I would like to share some of advice that I obtained from a book named ‘Don’t Be Sad’ written by Dr ‘Aidh bin ‘Abdullah Al-Qarni. It says, “Today is your day. Live it to the best as if you will die tomorrow and live it to the fullest as if you are going to live for another thousand years”. By means, it encourages us to do the best in everything we do.

Thank you.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

6th class reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

The sixth class was particularly concerned with video editing. In other word, the importance of the video editing to be used in the classroom or other purposes such as entertainment or commercials was highlighted here. The class was first exposed to the video made by seniors of the first cohort. The video was rather simple and more towards slide shows made in Windows Movie Maker application but it was good in the sense that the message delivered by it was clear and simple. Next, we were showed another video which was more colourful and interesting, thus helped to deliver its desired purposes which was for the educational benefit as well as entertainment.

As explained by the lecturer, the half part of the semester is meant for exploring the knowledge of technology and building the skills before we are given the assignment. So in order for all of us not to be lag behind while exploring the application, tasks was given which required us to form a pair and group. On the pair task part, we were required to create a video which I opt for ‘merdeka’ title in conjunction with our independent day and later uploaded it in the Youtube. Along the way, we were expected to learn the skills of uploading besides the video editing skills. While on the group part, we were required to download episodes of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ television programmed from 8TV using the given application. Along the way, the six of us have to cooperate in producing what the task wanted which is downloading the raw or the original episode, combining the episode into one and extracting the important part.

Patience and hardworking is the keyword that kept all of us strong. Without it, even a small challenge can drift us away from the true path. There was lots of benefit obtained from the task even though it was tiring physically and mentally. But as I said earlier, patience is a very important factor in learning. Without it, the world would never become like today.

Thank you very much to my friend for helping me and not forgotten the lecturer who helps to clarify and assist in the tasks.

blogging for pupils


I found one of educational video which helps to address the importance of blogging for pupils. Before this, I only knew a little about the importance of blogging particularly for the pupils. Besides that, I was overwhelmed with the negative side of the blogging but now, I realized that everything that we do must be based on the positive side in order to benefit all the parties concerned.
Ok, enough of my mumbling. the video was obtained from
Enjoy it.

5th class reflection

Assalamualikum and hello.

Audio editing is one of the important skills in today’s teaching and learning process. In other word, in order to become an effective and up-to-date with today’s fast changing education environment, a teacher to-be like me has to master the skill with good understanding and application. Even a simple editing can make a different. This was seen when the lecturer viewed us to one of her edited song version. She only cut the unwanted part and it became better.

Theories and understanding developed by the experts is inevitably crucial. It helps to underpin the creation of the teaching material and resources that are deemed essential in providing pupils with successful learning experience. Thus, we were given notes on the importance of this theories and understanding as a complement to the exploration of various teaching and learning material. My group was given the topic of the significance way of treating mistakes. Fortunately, I was able to recall back some of the schemata from the previous class in the maktab. The understanding of Erik Erikson theory particularly, helps in giving information pertaining to the ways of treating the pupils’ mistakes in the right way without hurting their effort and enthusiasm.

At the end, I was given the task of presenting the notes to the others. It was a bit startling at first but I managed to get a grip on what we were doing. Alhamdullillah, I felt confident and managed to deliver the presentation to the end, even though not as good as my other friend. I believe the use of presentation was good and it helps me to build my confidence as evident in the presentation. All in all, the class was informative and constructive in a way.

Thank you to my friend and lecturer.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

fourth class reflection


Assalamualaikum and hello.

A successful learning experience requires certain characteristic that helps to improve and develop the potential as well as skills and knowledge of the students. This criteria such as non threatening environment and diverse teaching and learning approach helps to achieve the aims and objective of the lesson. This paradigm of effective classroom setting was practiced in the fourth class that sets it free from the conventional approach. In other word, I realized that the lecturer understand the needs of her students as some of us may not be able to fully understand and master the skills and knowledge about specific computer application such as Adobe Photoshop, U-lead and many more. In addition, the exploration approach encouraged by her was good in the sense that it requires the students like me to become an independent learner exploring the computer application with own effort.

Personally speaking, I believe that we were already become accustomed to the dateline of assignment and it was some of the important factor that pushed us to complete the work. But when the dateline was not known, it has provided different reactions which is on the positive side, it actually provide some ease of mind and encourage the successful learning experience for the student. In other word, we can enjoy learning and exploring the application and master the skills and knowledge before the lecturer decided on the dateline. While on the negative side, I think that some of us will become lazy and less effort on the application self-exploration. But, this negative side can be alleviate through classroom task that requires us to submit the work like for example, the photo editing task which must be uploaded individually in the photo bucket website. In addition, our the attitudes and perceptions of the course must also be in parallel with the lesson’s aims and objective so that successful learning experience can be created.

The fourth class was informative in the sense that, we were introduced to the Adobe Photoshop application. I am grateful to God for giving me the chance to learn one of His creations of knowledge. The application was impressive and I could have never imagined that it can make something impossible to possible and beautiful. The application was able to add effect on the picture, enhance the beauty and many more. The most important thing about this is that, we must know how to utilize it to the fullest and eventually contributed to the successful learning experience of the future primary school pupils. Apart from that, the lecture also presented on the how to create a story line particularly on plot creation. This was deemed necessary for completing the third assignment as well as recalling back what we have learnt in the previous years while in the teacher’s college. Time was also provided for the groups to discuss and clarify on the assignment with helps from the lecturer. This is important as in the classroom context; the teacher should not only impart knowledge but also assess the pupils’ progress and their level of mastery and understanding of particular topic.
Before the class ended, the lecturer summed up on today’s activity and the task that requires everyone attention. The submission of individual photo editing on the photo bucket is a must for all of us. This is to ensure that, what we learn and explore is not wasted.

All in all, the fourth class provides information, creation of new schemata (photo editing knowledge) as well as some clarification on the classroom activity and its flow. I hope that I can master this amusing and interesting application so that it will be beneficial for me and my future primary school pupils. Thank you to Pn. Foziah and my friends.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

3rd class reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello.

For the third class, the lecturer started with clarification on the second assignment. This is important so that every group do not faced any problems or difficulty in completing the assignment. Besides that, with the lecturer introducing the third assignment, the understanding of the second assignment is vital so that it will hinder the progress of the other assignment. The topic of the third class was on the photo editing which I considered quite difficult for a new user but still interesting to learn and master the skill for future use.

In addition, the topic delivered was for the third assignment. It requires the formation of different group rather than using the second assignment group. The selection of the group members was done in a fair procedures acknowledged by the lecturer. The primary purpose behind this action was to ensure that everyone has the chance of doing their role and avoiding piggy rider in the group.

The third assignment is on preparing an interactive e-book using the photo editing. I think this skill is beneficial in the education sphere in the sense that it helps to create an effective and successful learning experience for the pupils that we are going to teach in the future. The images or photos can be adjusted, tuned, modify and even re-created to suit the learning subjects or topics. In addition it can be integrated with other teaching resources or material considered relevant and appropriate for the class subjects and the pupils’ need, interest as well as learning preferences.

Besides that, some of the important criteria for choosing good photo-editing software were also addressed by the lecturer. This is important for me as to help me determine the right application tools to be used in the assignment and my future profession. Thank you, Puan Foziah. The criteria included ease of use, familiarity with the user and many more. After that, we were given notes on development of the young language learner particularly on how to use appropriate and effective resources to achieve the aims and objective of the curriculum as well as fulfilling their individual needs and interest. Presentation of topics was conducted by six different groups representing six different sub-topics in topic of “working with Young Learner”. Due to my condition (fever), I was unable to give my best contribution to my group. I need to get fit quickly so that I will not be a hindrance to my group pursuit towards the completion of the assignments.

All in all, it was good to learn new things even though the sickness did prevent me from putting the best effort for the work. Thank you again to my friend and lecturer for the valuable knowledge.